Business Strategy Services

Warren Buffett is credited with saying, “In the business world, the rearview mirror is always clearer than the windshield.”
If you accept that tactics without a strategy are a recipe for defeat, that strategy is not a solo sport – even if you’re the CEO – and that employees are more concerned with keeping their jobs than challenging their superior’s ideas, then you understand (as we do) why many small, privately held companies are hungry for a challenge.
We scratch this itch by offering deliverables that challenge assumptions, stimulate thought and creativity, and result in innovative strategies that help companies to define and achieve (small and über alike).
Strategy is not really a solo sport – even if you’re the CEO.
—Max McKeown, The Strategy Book
As a boutique business strategy group, we offer engaging ways that enable our clients to build, strengthen, and grow their business.
Along the way our clients are comforted knowing that our services are not influenced by anything other than their agenda. They enjoy the financial flexibility and freedom our fixed-fee and/or retainer-based consulting relationship affords, avoiding long-term commitments, hefty annual salaries, and expensive benefit packages otherwise necessary to supplement their executive team on a permanent basis.
Business Strategy Services:
- Business strategy guidance
- Operations strategy guidance
- Innovation strategy guidance
- Business model strategy guidance
- Innovation governance guidance
- Go-to-Market strategy guidance
- Learn Startup accelerator guidance
- Creative session design and facilitation
- Strategy summit design and facilitation
- Continuous improvement (kaizen) sessions
- Rapid iteration session facilitation
- Toyota Production System training
- Play-to-Win Strategy training
- Design Thinking training
- Lean Thinking training
- Advanced creative problem-solving training